Saturday, May 16, 2009

Summer! Here it is !

Hi friends,
After one grueling month, I have got the reward I deserve! A break!
As my previous post summarizes my experiences of Professor Molisch, it was highly likely that he was not going to allow us to go easily! He did made sure, he broke out butts off! But, I much say, it was good experience! I probably learned more in that one particular class compared to collective learning of communication courses I took at USC! Indeed a good experience! It all went okay and now, while I am writing this post, I am hopeful of getting a 'RESPECTABLE' grade for sure, which a month back looked like a distant dream. Anyways, with this semester getting over, technically, I am a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering! Yay!! It took 1.5 painful years and hell lot of work to accomplish what I call a 'FEAT"!

Yesterday was the commencement ceremony at USC and Dr. Arnold Schwarzenegger was the speaker for the ceremony! What a celebration of student achievements it was! Simply astonishing to see that people respect ones achievements at USC a lot! It made me proud of being a member of Trojan academic community!

Now, here is summer time, and after a period of 1.5 years, I intend to do nothing but relax and work. I don't want to take any sort of academic burden anymore! I have one course left over for fall and I will take any easy course to fulfill my student status in USA.

That's all I had to say in this post!
I am out!
Los Angeles~!

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